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Design Thinking

Modernize Technology: Pushing The Boundaries of Digital

Jun 30th, 2021

Despite 2020 being a sink-or-swim year, healthcare raised record-breaking funding rounds, experienced unparalleled levels of M&A and increased the adoption of virtual care. Throughout the pandemic, healthcare pushed beyond the boundaries of any single technology to deliver care. Whether a leader or laggard, healthcare organizations doubled down on leveraging technology when the pandemic amplified the […]




Here We Go Again: The Historic Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 – Are You Ready for January 1, 2022?

Jun 30th, 2021

On December 27, 2020, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 was signed into Law. As the enactment timing was during the holiday season, the Act could be compared to a fruitcake; you may want to avoid it because of the suspect dried fruit, but yet the yummy spirits-soaked cake pulls you in.  Referred to as the fifth longest […]




Optimize Operations: Lasting Transformation Beyond the C-Suite

May 26th, 2021

“Move fast and break things” has never been healthcare’s motto. Pandemic pressure forced innovators, enterprises and investors to transform and reshape discovery, care delivery and whole-system approaches to improving one’s well-being faster than ever to meet consumer and business needs during a pivotal moment in time. As the pace of disruption accelerated, payers and providers […]




Transform Care: Why Healthcare is Just Getting Started

Apr 28th, 2021

The urgency of COVID-19 proved that the notoriously slow healthcare industry can swiftly remodel outdated ways of working to usher in change. With this newfound momentum, we’re finding that speed to market is becoming the priority as the red tape is being stripped away, and bureaucracy is bringing digital triage, virtual care and new patient-facing […]




Engage Consumer: A New Foundation to Break the Mold

Apr 1st, 2021

A decade ago, digital transformation in healthcare was focused on product features and large-scale transformation was often cost-prohibitive. Ideas were solved as engineering problems with technology tacked on, leading to wasteful spending and frequently failed initiatives. However, over the past two decades, growing consumerism and advances in technology have necessitated a shift in the status […]




Accelerate Insights: Creating a Data-Driven Organization

Feb 23rd, 2021

To deliver context-aware, technology-enabled healthcare in 2021, organizations must accelerate insights by establishing and implementing processes, tools and technologies to enable shared understanding of data and the information lifecycle. Transforming data into knowledge that can guide strategic decision making and help drive data as an enterprise-wide asset.  Data will be the differentiator as we move from […]




A Review of 2020 Rules Affecting 2021

Feb 9th, 2021

In 2020, due to the public health emergency (PHE), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) released several rules and provisions that relaxed the compliance and enforcement dates for regulatory requirements.  As we head into 2021, and with the continuation of the PHE, we are providing you with a recap of the CMS rules and […]




The Outlook for Digital Transformation – What 2020 Taught Us 

Feb 3rd, 2021

In the ever-evolving healthcare environment, change is always on the horizon. So how can companies stay ahead of the curve? 2020 brought seismic changes that left observers with few words but “unprecedented” to describe the movements that shifted many aspects of everyday life for a majority of the populace. The urgency of the pandemic accelerated […]




2020 Summit Review and Playbook for 2021

Nov 13th, 2020

For the first time, our annual Emids Healthcare Summit, which wrapped yesterday, was held virtually. As I reflect on all of the planning, logistics, details and all-around hard work that went into making a 3-day completely virtual event happen, I can’t help but think about how the need to pivot – to move an event […]




Seven Compelling Healthcare Conversations

Oct 27th, 2020

With our 7th Annual Healthcare Summit less than a month away, we’ve assembled a pre-read packet of the Seven Most Compelling Healthcare Conversations we’ll be facilitating with guests near and far.  Take a few minutes below to get a taste of what’s in store, and be sure to join the conversation (and hear some of the […]




CMS Rules for 2021: Key Takeaways on Telehealth, PI Program and Other Rule Provisions

Oct 2nd, 2020

CMS held off on making any major changes as it relates to quality reporting under the physician fee schedule (PFS) for the quality payment program (QPP) and under the inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS) for the inpatient quality reporting (IQR) program. As organizations look towards 2021, while there are no substantive changes, they will need […]




Intelligent Automation: Healthcare’s New Essential Coworker

Sep 30th, 2020

The future of healthcare relies on removing the robot from the human to focus on what matters most – the patient experience and mission-critical work of delivering care. Administrative processes are the backbone of healthcare operations, but they’re inefficient, error-prone, and limit employee capacity. No industry stands to experience more return on investment from automation […]

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